C’est la vie!

C'est la vie

My dear husband, Luc, after many months of research and editing, has launched a YouTube channel that will showcase cooking Video’s with Violette and himself. The idea is for them to source locally grown food where ever possible, to teach in French, and for the two of them to move around the world cooking as they go.

I think it’s possible that the channel will include other things than cooking but for now that’s the focus.

I’m so proud of them! I know that they’ve got a couple of other videos waiting in the wings that have already been created, now they just need to be put together. I can’t wait to watch them create together!

I’m also very proud of Luc learning to do something that is outside of his comfort zone.

Without further adieu, here is the kick start video for C’est La Vie! Enjoy!

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